How on earth is my baby ready for a toddler bed?!! Seriously, where have the last 2 years gone? Tonight Adam turned her bed into the toddler version. She is so proud of it!!!
Sadie has a current obsession with onesies, tutu's and shoes. Yep, she is all girl. The other night we were headed out for some errands and she dressed herself in the onesie that I bought at the Dallas Rock n' roll 1/2 marathon, 2 skirts, leggings, and boots. She is a trip! And yes, the tree is up but not decorated. :)
I don't really know that any comments are necessary, but Sadie has discovered makeup. Every day she wants to play with it. Today she got into eyeliner and thought her cheek was an appropriate place for it.
Adam and I had the honor of attending the Marine Core Ball last night. It was a really cool experience! We celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary on 11-11-11 so we made it our anniversary dinner. We somehow wound up at table 2, right in the front! When we gave them our name, it took them a moment to find us, and when they did they said, "Oh wow, you are at table 2! You guys must be pretty important!" The man, Larry, that invited us helps put on the ball so I guess that is how we were seated there. Pretty cool. The ceremony was great, watching them come in with the flags and bring the cake in. The band was wonderful as well. What a fun night!
I am trying very hard to teach Sadie to use the potty. I think we are close. She has been teaching her baby and her monkey to use the potty so this must be a good sign, right? I am really ready to get a raise from not buying diapers anymore. Cross your fingers for us that it is soon!
So, as many of you know, I found out about a sweet family in Dallas whose baby boy, James, was battling a rare brain tumor. He loved giraffes! We asked guests to bring a stuffed giraffe in lieu of a gift to Sadie's party and received several to donate to the local Children's hospital in Dallas in memory of James. Today I finally had the chance to bring them there. What a cool thing to be able to do. I could not have done it without all our sweet family and friends that brought them for me to bring, so thank you from the bottom of my heart! In doing that, I never thought that I'd wind up giving one of those giraffes to someone at Sadie's party. Our friends Mark and Beth had a son on September 3rd that I was blessed enough to photograph coming into the world. About a month after he was born, he started not being able to move and he was admitted to Children's in Dallas. He has a very rare genetic disease called Spinal Muscular Atrophy. He has been there with my friend Beth for well over a month now, so I got to visit with Beth and see sweet William while I was there. I picked out a giraffe for him that had lights and sounds. Whoever brought that one to the party, I send a very special thank you. I truly never thought that I'd know a recipient of these donations. It was an emotional day, but I am amazed at what a rock Beth has been. Please keep Mark, Beth, Charlotte, William, and their entire family in your prayers. Please also remember to keep James' mom and dad, Kara and Matthew in your prayers as well.
So my 2 year old, yes, my 2 year old, is obsessed with coffee. It happened all of a sudden. Every morning she begs me (and I mean BEGS) for a cup of coffee. I know she won't like it. But it is the idea of doing everything just like mom. So this morning I poured myself a cup (yes, in my Christmas mug :) ) and proceeded to heat her milk and give her about a teaspoon of coffee in her milk so she could feel like we were having coffee together. How I love my little mini-me!
So this is my first blog post! I figured that since I have been blogging photography for years it is time that I finally make one for my little family. I typically have posted all my photos on facebook but realize that many of my family are not on there. I think this will be a great way to keep everyone up to date with daily life here in Texas.Today Sadie and I are having a girls' day. This included doing some baking. I love Fall. It is overcast today so it is perfect baking weather. I got some gingerbread cookie mix and little winter cookie cutters. Sadie wore her apron from Great Grandma Elaine and had a blast helping!Enjoy these photos!Love, Marissa
Mixing the batter Making a snowflake Checking to see if they are ready yet This is what she does when I tell her to say "cheese" "Mmmmmm, good!"