We had a 7:30 arrival time, as we were his 3rd for the morning. Of course, we stayed up late, so were all pretty exhausted. It seemed like not too long before they called us back and took her vitals, etc. The nurse was very sweet, and gave Sadie a handmade purple blanket that they give to little kids that are going through difficult things. I think she could tell that Sadie was a little apprehensive about what was going on. It's the softest blanket, and in her favorite color, so she really perked up after that! It was soon time for her to have a little versed, and it was hilarious watching it take effect! I made several videos, but this first one gives you a good idea of how loopy she started to get. Watch it-you will crack up!
Here is one more of right before they took her back. She kept saying that only daddy and Sadie had teeth!
Below is a photo of right before they wheeled her back, and she was very sleepy but also very happy.
It was maybe 5 minutes when the nurse called us to say the surgery was going great, and they were almost done. We went to the private waiting area, and the Dr came to visit with us, and then a few minutes later we were back with her. She was crying when we first saw her, but she stopped rather quickly. They got her a Popsicle and a juice, and she kept telling us that she was dizzy and saw "2 mommies." I got one of the times on video, as you will see below.
The poor thing got very nauceous once again (just like after her adenoids) and threw up the Popsicle and juice. They couldn't give her anything to help since she did not have an IV, but said it was ok for us to give her some phengel once we got home. Thank God we have that on hand at most times!
We got her home and quickly gave her the phengel and some ibuprofen. Within about 30 minutes she was feeling great and wanting to play. She had some snacks and then around 1 was finally ready to lay down. I layed down with her and we both fell sound asleep. I woke up around 4 and she finally woke at 5. She is doing well now, just hanging out in the living room watching Octonauts. :)