Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Isla's birth story!

Upon finding out we were expecting, I had a tough decision to make. Since I had a c-section with Sadie, I had to decide if I wanted to try for a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) or to opt for a repeat c-section. I went back and forth for a good 8 months before finally deciding that I was more comfortable with a repeat c-section. Yes, it is major surgery, but I liked knowing there would be less variables and I could have a little more control. (Can you say type A???) This turned out to be a good decision because my blood pressure started to creep up around the 35-36 week mark. We knew going into it that this would be a possibility, as I had severe pregnancy induced hypertension with Sadie.

We had originally scheduled a repeat c-section for my EDD, which was 11-25. When the blood pressure started rising we moved it to 11-18. This was not good as Adam was in the midst of a crazy school schedule. We tried to move it to Friday the 20th, but the Dr could not find anyone to operate with her. We wound up moving it to Tuesday the 24th and agreed to keep a very close eye on my blood pressure. The 16th the Dr went ahead and put me off work to keep me lying around the house. Thursday my friend Dory came in to hang out for a couple days before the baby would arrive. Well, my blood pressure started getting really high on my readings at home and the Dr had said I needed to call her if it was not going down. Friday morning the 20th I went in for them to check it. I was 39 weeks and 2 days at this point, so already 9 days further than when I delivered Sadie. The Dr decided that based on the reading we would be moving the delivery to the following day, Saturday, November 21st. It was a very surreal feeling being told that the next day I would be having a baby. We knew all along that was a very real possibility, but hearing the words made it that much more real. It took me right back to the moment when my Dr with Sadie told us we would be having a baby later that day. My Dr told me to be at the hospital at 7am and we would plan on going into the OR at 9:15. I left and called Adam to let him know that the next day we would have a baby. 

The rest of Friday I had to lay low to keep my blood pressure from skyrocketing so Dory and I watched movies until it was time to get Sadie from school. I had promised Sadie that before her sister arrived we would go get a pedicure, so when Dory and I picked her up from school we went straight to do that. She was so excited that she would be meeting her sister the next day! That night I finished packing our bags and went to bed around 10. I slept well, surprisingly. We got up and got everything loaded in the car. It worked out so well that Dory wound up being there still since she was able to watch Sadie while we had the baby. Dory and Sadie followed to the hospital so they could see where to go and get the stickers that would allow them in the room to visit me later on. I had asked my photographer friend, Cally, to be there to photograph the birth. She met us in the lobby and took some very sweet photos of Sadie hugging on my belly and kissing me goodbye. I should have them from her in the next few days. What sweet moments to have captured! We said bye to Dory and Sadie and headed up to labor and delivery. EEK!

We got to labor and delivery and I changed into my hospital gown. They then allowed Adam and Cally to come in. They went through 50 million questions and started my I.V. The I.V. was probably the worst part, as the first attempt did not take and she kept digging around. It was awful. The other nurse came and got one started in my other arm. I had a couple bags of fluid, which made me sooo cold! They gave me some blankets and I tried to just relax. The Dr came in and said hello and we calmly chatted. She has the most relaxed personality ever, which is nice when you are about to be cut open! Soon after, the anesthesiologist came in to chat as well. I was very hopeful that they would allow me to have my husband AND Cally in the OR, but that was a no go. They did however agree to allow them to swap places halfway through-yay! Cally set my camera up for a nurse and showed her how to use it so that we could have some photos before they allowed her in. The photos actually came out great!

Anyways, right around 9:15 they had me climb in a wheelchair and we made our way to the OR. Let me tell you, it is the most surreal feeling walking into a freezing cold operating room knowing you are about to have surgery, let alone have a BABY! It really hit me that we were having a baby when I walked in there and saw all the equipment to take care of her. I told the CRNA that I wanted to change my mind and not do it! Ha! He was very sweet and reassuring that all would be ok.

I got situated on the table and the CRNA had me lean over a pillow into a nurse while he started my spinal block. It did not hurt when I had it with Sadie, but this time it hurt for a few seconds on the right side of my back, but went away pretty quickly. They got me situated on the table and then the rest of the surgery team started coming in. Luckily there is something in the spinal that relaxes you and warms you up, because I began to feel a little calmer. Everyone got prepped and they did a little test to make sure I was numb. I was, so they got started. It seemed like it took FOREVER for them to get to the baby. I kept asking Adam if they were close. Finally they said it was time and I would feel a lot of pulling and pressure. Boy did I! It was intense. It was not long and she was out! At 10:00am on the dot she was here! She cried right away, which is the best feeling ever. The Dr lifted her up over the curtain for me to see and the nurse captured some great photos of that moment! I feel like the image shows that a c-section is just as beautiful as a natural birth. The smile on my face is priceless.

They started getting Isla all cleaned up and Adam swapped places with Cally. They brought Isla over to me to see and cuddle, but it is hard to hold a baby when you are laying down flat, even with a nurse helping. I told them to go ahead and take her out to my husband. Cally followed them out and I am sure got some great photos of that time. The CRNA told me he was giving me something in my IV to relax me and that it might make me sleepy. It did relax me and I was a tad sleepy, but too excited to go to sleep. I talked to the Dr while she put me back together. It was a very relaxed environment.

Once they finished stitching me up, they wheeled me into the recovery room where I immediately got to do skin to skin and start nursing Isla. This was SUCH a different experience from Sadie, as I was not stable enough to be with her in recovery. Isla took to nursing right away and it made being in the recovery room so great. I shook quite a bit in recovery, but I don’t think nearly as much as with Sadie. The spinal started to wear off so I asked for some pain meds. Whatever they gave me did not work great, but I was ok since I had the distraction of a new baby! After about an hour or so they cleared us to go to my room. We called Dory and told her to head on up to the hospital with Sadie.

We got to the room, which was so pretty and spa like for a hospital! Sadie and Dory arrived right after we got settled. It was so sweet introducing Sadie to her new sister. She did not want to hold her right away, but was certainly in awe. I think it was an hour or so later that she asked to hold her. They hung out for a bit and then Dory took Sadie home. Adam and I relaxed with Isla for an hour or two and then Adam headed home to get Sadie ready to spend the night at her friend Molly’s house. Isla and I enjoyed skin to skin for the rest of the day. It was the sweetest time ever. Adam got Sadie situated at Molly’s house and then came back so he could spend the first night with me. Isla and I stayed in the hospital for 3 nights. It was the best time, believe it or not. I never once turned the tv on. I just enjoyed the peace and quiet. It was such special bonding time with my baby. It was also very healing for me to have a better recovery this go round.

I finally was discharged Tuesday and sent home on blood pressure medicine. It seemed like I would escape the post partum hypertension this time, but it started going up while I was still in the hospital. I was glad we caught it before going home, and am confident that it will correct itself in time.

The time at home has been tiring, but wonderful. We kindly asked for some time before we were ready for visitors and I am thankful for that. It has been the most wonderful time to bond and establish nursing privately. I can honestly say that this time has been the best experience. We are so in love with sweet Isla and cannot imagine our family without her.