Tuesday, February 25, 2014


My mom sent this to me. It's sooo me! I was cracking up! 

The End of Maxine"


Description: cid:1.1947799207@web184904.mail.gq1.yahoo.com

As we progress into 2014, I want to thank you for
your educational e-mails over the past year. I am
totally screwed up now and have little chance of recovery.

I can no longer open a bathroom door 
without using
a paper towel, nor let the waitress put lemon slices in
my ice water without worrying about the bacteria on
the lemon peel.

I can't sit down on a hotel bedspread 
because I can
only imagine what has happened on it since it was last washed.

I have trouble shaking hands
with someone who has been
driving because the number one pastime while driving alone
is picking one's nose.

Eating a little snack sends me on a guilt trip because
can only imagine how many gallons of trans fats I have
consumed over the years.

I can't touch any woman's handbag 
for fear she has placed
it on the floor of a public toilet.

I must send my special thanks
for the email about rat poo 
in the glue on envelopes because I now have to use a wet
sponge with every envelope that needs sealing.

now I have to scrub the top of every can I open for
the same reason.

I can't have a drink in a bar
because I fear I'll wake up
in a bathtub full of ice with my kidneys gone.

I can't eat at KFC 
because their chickens are actually horrible
mutant freaks with no eyes, feet or feathers.

I can't use cancer-causing deodorants 
even though I smell
like a water buffalo on a hot day.

Thanks to you 
I have learned that my prayers only get answered
if I forward an e-mail to seven of my friends and make a wish
within five minutes.

Because of your concern,
I no longer drink Coca Cola because 
it can remove toilet stains.

I no longer buy 
fuel without taking someone along to watch the car,
   so a serial killer doesn't crawl in my back seat when I'm filling up.

I no longer use Cling Wrap 
in the microwave because it causes 
seven different types of cancer.

And thanks for letting me know
I can't boil a cup of water 
in the microwave anymore because it will blow up in my face,
disfiguring me for life.

I no longer go to the cinema
because I could be pricked with a 
needle infected with AIDS when I sit down.

I no longer go to shopping centers 
because someone will drug 
me with a perfume sample and rob me..
 I no longer answer the phone because someone will ask 
me to dial a number for which I will get a huge phone bill with
calls to Jamaica , Uganda , Singapore and Uzbekistan ..

Thanks to you I can't use anyone's toilet but mine because a
big black snake could be lurking under the seat and cause me
instant death when it bites my butt.
And thanks to your great advice I can't ever pick up a 
dime coin dropped in the car park because it was probably
placed there by a sex molester waiting to grab me as I bend over.

I can't do any gardening because I'm afraid I'll get bitten
by the Violin Spider and my hand will fall off.
If you don't send this e-mail to at least 144,000 people in
the next 70 minutes, a large dove with diarrhea will land 
on your head at 5:00 p.m. tomorrow afternoon, and the
fleas from 120 camels will infest your back, causing you 
to grow a hairy hump. I know this will occur because it 
actually happened to a friend of my next door neighbor’s 
ex mother-in-law's second husband's cousin's best friend's 
Oh, and by the way...
A German scientist from Argentina , after a lengthy study, 
has discovered that people with insufficient brain activity 
read their e-mails with their hand on the mouse.
Don't bother taking it off now, it's too late.
P. S. I now keep my toothbrush in the living room, because 
I was told by e-mail that water splashes over 6 ft. out
of the toilet..

Sunday, February 23, 2014


I have been really lazy this weekend. My shoulder still hurts a lot from surgery, and I really can't do much yet. It's not like I am setting out to be lazy-there is actually a lot that I want to do. It's getting frustrating. I really want to clean and organize. Sadie does a good job destroying the family room, which drives me nuts. It's even hard to do things like dishes, since I can only lift things one pound or less. Adam is gone studying most of the time, so he can only do so much. I am just ready to be back to normal! You'd also think I feel rested from not doing much, but I am not sleeping well at all, as I like to sleep on my left side, that I wind up tossing and turning a lot. I really want to get rid of the majority of Sadie's toys once I am more recovered. Do you think she'd notice? Probably. The kid is such a hoarder. I just can't stand having STUFF everywhere!!! Need to make a list with one project for every weekend or something, but it will have to be something I do without Adam's help-I don't think he'd be thrilled if I made him help, haha! Anyways, here's hoping I am back to normal sooner rather than later. At least 3 more weeks of not lifting more than a pound....

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Missing Germany

Lately I miss Germany soooo much. I know I didn't grow up there or live there that long, but I feel homesick. I really do! I wish so badly that I could take a leave of absence from work and just take Sadie there all summer. She is so ready to travel long distance and excited to explore. I'm not a patient person, so having to wait a year or year and a half is really hard. It's like it's ingrained in me to travel. For someone so type A, I sure to hate staying in one place for long! 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

My little traveller

I love how excited Sadie gets about travel! The other day we pretended that we were taking a trip to Paris, France. She packed her bag (with horses) and we pretend drove to the airport and boarded the plane. Then we pretended to take the skylink to the big plane that would take us across to Europe. She thought of this all on her own. I think it's so cute that she even talked about wanting to be able to take the skylink! Can't wait to actually take her across the pond soon! 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sadie bakes with daddy!

Tonight Sadie and her daddy baked lemon bars together. It was pretty precious!

Thanksgiving 2013 and Sadie gets her passport!

I can't believe I never blogged Thanksgiving!!
Our friends Dory and Mike came out from Huntington Beach, California. We had the best time!
The day after Thanksgiving, we went to a Christmas tree farm and picked out two trees, one for Sadie, and one for everyone, that would go in the family room. We had a blast at the farm, as the had a seesaw that Mike and Sadie went on, and then they took you on a hayride to get to where you could go cut down a tree.
I took some photos of Mike and Dory while Adam and Sadie looked for the perfect tree. Once they found it, Adam chopped it down! So fun for Sadie!

We got back to the house and Sadie immediately started decorating. She had so much fun! We also checked the mail and her passport had arrived!! She was SO EXCITED about it, because she understands that she needs it to travel to other countries. We can't WAIT to use it! I am having travel withdrawals right now BIG TIME. But, with Adam in school full time, we will just have to wait until he is done. It won't be long, but I have to be patient. (Something I am not good at, haha!)

Enjoy these pics!

Scary Mommy

I have clearly have wayyyy too much time on my hands recently. I was introduced to a great blog about motherhood called, Scary Mommy. It's a hilarious and all too true take on parenting.
Last week I took a silly quiz on whether I should have another child or not. The answer was a firm NO, with this being the exact wording: "You should only have one child. You're simply not cut out for more."

I found that to be quite funny and accurate!

Today I took a quiz on there titled, "Is your kid an a$$hole?" Quite humorous, and I am proud to say that these are Sadie's results:
"Your child is most definitely not an asshole. Congratulations! (But watch out if you have another... he's sure to be a little prick.)"

Parenting is rewarding, but there is no denying- you will say goodbye to your former life of having a spotless house, going to fancy dinners anytime you want, taking trips to exotic places with all the disposable income you have, and anything else that you really enjoyed pre-parenthood. BUT, they aren't kidding when they tell you you don't know love until you have a kid. :)

Saturday, February 15, 2014

A misunderstood post

I'm not really sure how many people even read my blog if I don't post the link on Facebook, (which I don't currently have-felt like it was time for a break after being on it way too much while on surgery leave) but I figured I'd post this anyway. My last 3 posts have had 3 views each, so I guess not many readers! 
Anyways, last weekend I posted something about my OCD and how we have someone in the family that takes it personally, when it's really just me being crazy. It was intended as a nice post, of me searching for how I could make this person realize it was not personal when I panic about germs. It was quite a cathartic post for me to write, actually, as I genuinely wanted to think of ways I could help. Somehow putting it on "paper" was a way of allowing me to think on what I could change in me. Well, the post was not all all taken in the way in was intended. I suppose I should have talked to my husband or something before posting it on my public blog, but I didn't. I can't go back and change it, but I can publicly say that I'm sorry for sharing it here on the blog. Again, it was meant as a hearfelt search for what I could do to make sure this person knew that my germ fears had nothing to do with them. It was in no way an attack and I'm sorry if it came across that way. 

What does it really mean to "leave and cleave?"

Genesis 2:24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

 My sister and I were having a text conversation the other day about what it means to "leave and cleave," as is discussed in the Bible in both Genesis and Mark. (Sara and I had the exact same view about it btw) Adam and I had this very verse at our wedding during the sermon. It doesn't mean that upon being pronounced husband and wife you immediately tell your parents, "Peace out, you don't matter anymore." It simply means that from that point on, you and your new spouse are ONE, and the two of you come before any other relationship. It means you support your spouse no matter what. One can privately disagree with their spouse, but publicly stick up for them NO MATTER WHAT. In every marriage, you are going to have things that one spouse makes a decision about, whether it be financial, lifestyle, you name it, that you might feel like the other person messed up on, but support them. I am guilty of accidentally not fully sticking up for something Adam decided for our family once, and I regret that. He has done the same without meaning to. It's all a learning process of being married. At the end of the day we choose one another first, and everything and everyone else comes second.
In thinking on this topic, I came across an excellent article that I want to share here. Here is the actual link to the article, but I will copy some of the main points here. Again, I did not write this article. The author is Chad Hall.

Some great points from the article to ponder on:

1. Count the cost and be willing to pay the price.  Putting your spouse first, ahead of your parents, can cause anxiety for some newly married folks (and for some who’ve been married a very long time).  True enough.  Nobody said this would be easy.  It can be hard.  I encourage newly- or soon-to-be-married couples to face the fact that cutting the cord with mom and dad is going to be hard.  Welcome to marriage, a relationship that requires hard work.  If you don’t want to difficult things, then don’t get married (or endeavor much of anything else in life).
Admit that that choosing your spouse over your parents is going to be a challenge.  Admit that your parents might be hurt, even angry.  Whatever the topic, admit to yourself that your parents might be right (and your spouse wrong), that you might agree with your parents (and not your spouse), and/or that taking sides with your spouse may make you look like a fool.  Admit these realities and then choose your spouse over your parents anyway.
2. Look for the early win.  When my wife and I first married, we moved into a humble house that we called ‘home.’  When my parents first came to see our new home, I met them in the driveway and walked them to the front door.  Before going in, I said, “I’m really glad you came by, but before I let you in, I want you to know something.  You are welcome to come by anytime you’d like, and we value your visits.  However, this is our home, and so your opinions are not welcome; please leave those at your house.  If that’s a problem, I’d prefer you stay home with your opinions.”  My wife was a bit mortified at my boldness, but my parents appreciated the strong stand and have honored it for the nearly twenty years I’ve been married.
Taking a stand for your spouse will not get any easier than it is at the beginning of your marriage.  Siding with your spouse in a strong, visible, and potent way early (even before the wedding) will set the tone for the new kind of relationship you have with your parents.
3. Don’t apologize for your spouse.  I’ve counseled too many married men who apologize for siding with their wife.  Doing so usually sounds something like, “You know, I would prefer X, but my wife really wants Y.  Sorry.  I’m sure Y is not the best thing, but I should go with her wishes, otherwise there’ll be hell to pay.”  What a wimp!
When we treasure our spouse and honor our vows to “be one” with her, we cannot and do not offer apologies for siding with her.  We make no apologies for putting her first.  And we never air spousal disagreements with others (including our own parents).  One of the core parenting principles is that parents should always present a unified front in childrearing.  The same principle is no less true when relating to our parents.  If you disagree with your spouse, tell her, not your parents.  It dishonors your spouse and drives a harmful wedge between the two of you—whether she learns of your apology or not.
There are many other keys to a great marriage, but the way we relate to parents is especially important because it demonstrates the lengths to which we will go to put our spouse first.  What about you?  To what lengths will you go?  To what lengths are you going?  Where are you coming up short?

Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine's Day 2014

I worked in a Hallmark store throughout high school and then when I went off to college they would let me come work when I came home at Christmas. I loved Valentine's back then, but something changed. I guess maybe from working there for so long I feel like I just started seeing it as such a corporate holiday. I mean, why do you have to have a day that you get guilted into showing others that you love them? As a result of that, Adam and I have never really done the whole Valentine's thing. I remember one year when we still lived in Arizona that we went to our favorite restaurant, Pappadeax's Seafood Kitchen, and we were shocked to see what a large crowd there was, as it was a random weeknight. We then realized it was Valentine's Day, haha!
Anyways, since having Sadie I have become much more of a Valentine's fan! Especially now that she is older and starting to understand it. Last night she and I put together her teacher gifts, including the cards that she chose very carefully for each one. She then helped put together all the Valentine's for her classmates, which included dog tattoos and skittles lol! She is such a trip!
We wound up having leftover dog tattoos, so after her bath she got a whole row of tattoos on her arm, haha! After I got her to bed, I made some heart shaped chocolate chip pancakes for her for the morning. I am SO not a morning person so I had to do this the night before and just have ready to quickly heat up. :) I also ordered her a shirt that I found-purple with a horse on it! Something that combines her two favortie things in the world! I got her gift all wrapped up and her card together, and then headed off to bed.
This morning I got up and got myself ready, then got her pancakes out. I got her up and took her to the table, where I had everything waiting for her. She was so excited!

These shots are from my new Canon G1x, which is a top of the line point and shoot, but I am still trying to figure out the nitty gritty on it, so these are not the best photos. Anyways, enjoy though!

After breakfast, she got dressed in her new purple horse shirt, and we headed off to school. Adam had dropped off all the teacher gifts, Valentine's, and the bananas that we brought for her class party, to save me from having to figure out how to lug all that in with just one arm. She was excited to show her teachers her shirt, so had an easier time with me leaving her today. (She'd been home with me for a week and a half following surgery, so we really got used to just hanging out. Her first day back, Thusday, was really hard on both of us!)

Today at the office I made chocolate covered strawberries, as they are one of our favorites, but especially Sadie's. Well, I went to Super One yesterday to get bananas for her class so picked up strawberries there as well. Not a good idea-it was slim pickings and the basket that I wound up with turned out to be more bad than good. Bummer. To top that off, I did not take into account that the work microwave would not let me adjust power while melting the chocolate, so I wound up burning the chocolate. Needless to say, NOT my best batch of chocolate covered strawberries ever. Sadie was still excited when I waked in the door with them, though, and had one right away.

Today was a hard day for me pain wise with my shoulder. This morning when I got out of the shower I attempted to wrap my hair in a towel, as I always do, and accidentally pushed too hard with the left arm, and really hurt myself. It set me off for a pain filled day. So, Valentine's to me is having a husband that let me crawl in bed the moment I walked in the door, cooked dinner, and is now entertaining her. THAT is what love is.

Hope however you celebrated, it was a good one!                                                                                                                                                       

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Don't give headspace to negativity

My dad is a smart guy. I may not have thought that when I was 16, but I do now. :) He always says, "Don't give headspace to negativity." Such wise words that I like to live by. I think about something and then move on. Why dwell? What good does it do you?
So how can one become more positive and focus less on the negative? Think about things that make you happy. Do things that you enjoy. Write down things that you love about yourself. Don't focus on the bad, or what you DON'T have. Focus on the good and all the blessing you have.
When I was in college I was part of a phych group that got to work on a project called "The Happiness Project AKA Positive Psychology." It was really cool, and I learned a lot! You can check out the website if you are interested to see how you rate. I was curious, so I retook the test, and scored a 4.08 out of 5. I must be pretty happy! :)
The website, if you are interested is here.

Things that make me happy:
Taking pictures
Taking pictures while I travel
Drinking wine
Drinking wine with friends
Taking pictures of wine while I travel

That's all for tonight! :)

Remember that you control you own happiness!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

So lucky

I'm so blessed that God chose ME to be Sadie's mom. All week she's been so understanding with me about my surgery. She has laid sweetly in bed with me and waited patiently for me to wake up. She's played quietly inside and not complained once. Maybe that's nothing exceptional, but I am so thankful that she can be so little still, and have such a sweet and caring heart. She's got such an adaptable personality, and really aims to please. If she hurts you or hurts your feelings, she quickly wants to comfort you and say she's so sorry. I constantly tell her how thankful I am for her, how much I love her, and that I am proud of her. It's so important to me as a parent to give her positive feedback and words of encouragement. 
We have done a lot of art projects this week and a lot of playing with her horses, puzzles, and blocks. ( I'm glad it was so cold out, that helped with needing to stay inside!) Even though I felt (and still feel) crummy, having her made it so much better!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Shoulder surgery

In case you missed it, I had shoulder surgery on Monday, February 3rd. In September I hurt my left shoulder while swimming. They did an MRI and found a ton of inflammation and a cyst. We tried about ten weeks of physical therapy, a failed steroid injection (got what's called a steroid flare instead of it helping-very painful!) and finally realized that surgery was the only answer at that point. The day I finally came to terms with the fact that I needed surgery was after a full day of photographing and coming home in such pain that I just said, "that's it, I can't keep living in constant pain." I emailed the Dr the next day and she gave me the name of several surgeons. I asked around and was told to use Dr Hobbs, who is the chief of orthopedics at Mother Frances here in Tyler. I met with him the morning after Sadie and I got back from Arizona. He is one of those doctors that you can tell knows a lot and is all business. There was no chit chat-it was basically like, ok let's get you fixed! I think the visit was maybe 5 minutes total! All I really knew was that he'd decompress the cyst and then look around to figure out what else needed done and fix it. He had a spot that had just opened up for Feb 3rd (just a mere week and a half later!) and I said, "let's do it!" I was ready to just get it over with before wedding season started. With just a week and a half, it didn't give me much time to google like I'd had prior to my nose surgery in 2011. 
We called my mother in law and she said she would be able to come up to help with Sadie. Everything just kinda fell into place. I was doing great and not googling at all until the Wednesday prior to surgery when I called one of my clients who reminded me that his wife passed away from staph infection following surgery at the same hospital. I started to have a minor ( ok major) freak out and started googling like crazy. After some calming down from dr and nurse friends via Facebook, I was ok again and stopped googling. 
The Saturday before surgery I got a haircut and did a little shopping with Sadie. The pre opp nurse had suggested that I get a zip up Walmart moo moo for after the surgery and I was like ummm no, not going to happen. I went to Soma as I still had gift cards from Christmas and instead found a size extra large super soft button up long sleeve shirt for $18 on clearance. Much better than a moo moo! Ha! 
Sunday I wore myself out cleaning every nook and cranny of the house. I washed duvet covers, sheets, towels, blankets, cleaned the floors Cindarella style, wiped down door handles, etc. I wanted to make sure the house was completely germ free! When that was done I went to Fresh and got food for the week. I decided to meal prep for myself (even though I knew Adam and my mother in law would feed me). I wanted to make sure I had healthy, fresh food that were high in antioxidants and that were good anti inflammatory food choices. I baked chicken and then cut it up into bite size pieces (since I knew a fork and knife would be a tad difficult with just one arm) and then had Adam vaccum seal them into 4 oz portions. I then cut up bags of broccoli, carrots, and red pepper. I also cooked some quinoa and portioned that into 1/3 cup ziplock bags. I bought a lot of fresh berries as well and got them all cleaned and dried in portioned bags. 

All day long I drank a TON of water since you can't have anything after midnight the night before even if surgery isn't till late in the day. 
The morning of surgery I slept in as late as I could as I didn't want to have to sit around thinking about how thirsty and hungry I was. At one point I heard the house phone ring but didn't bother to get up to answer as pretty much only telemarketers call it. I got up around 9:30 and slowly got things together, washed my sheets so they'd be nice and fresh when I got home. Pam (mother in law) and I got Sadie off to school then headed to the hospital. I checked in and they took me back quickly. Even though it was 11:40 and my surgery was not until 2, they said they were ready for me! WHAT?!! Apparently they had a last minute cancelation and they said they tried calling but they didn't have a good number for me ( um ok I've only had the same cell for 7 years and they always call that, but then I realize they asked me the Friday before in pre opp if I had a home phone so I gave it to them-why they weren't smart enough to try my cell is beyond me) Anyways, they said get changed and we will get things going. Yikes! Great news that I didn't have to wait around but my husband wasn't even out of class yet! Eek! I gave them my mother in law's cell for them to communicate with her, and before I knew it they gave me the versed and a couple different anti nausea meds and we were headed to the OR. The next thing I knew, I was in recovery and in immense pain. They had done a nerve block, but I guess it didn't work. The anthestiologist came back and did another block and they shot me up with pain meds. The new block worked for maybe 20 minutes then was useless again. That was a bummer considering it was supposed to help for 12-24 hours! It took another couple doses of meds and I was finally not in as much pain. They told me that Adam had arrived but that I'd have to wait to see him until a room freed up in the other recovery area. It took forever! I slowly drank some cranberry juice and it made me pretty nauseous so they gave me more nausea meds. Finally we got news that a room was available so off we went. They said I had to eat a cracker and use the restroom before I could go home so I took a few bites and immediately proceeded to puke all over myself. That was awful. Adam had tried so hard to grab something, but I couldn't hold it and he couldn't find something quickly enough. So not fun. They got me cleaned up and got some 7up and let it get flat and that helped. I was finally able to eat a cracker and use the restroom which meant I could go home- yay! We got everything together and Adam pulled the car around while they wheeled me out. We swung by CVS on the way home to drop off my pain med prescription. As soon as we got home I took some phenagren that we luckily had at the house already. I was sooo nauseous! Adam got me settled in bed and then ran back to the pharmacy to get my meds. I took just one as soon as he got home with them, as two seemed like a lot. I soon regretted this, and took another. I ate a little dinner and wound up puking again. I took more phenagren and went to sleep. The night was rough, but I was naturally waking up around the times for the next dose, so I'd wake up, take more meds, and then drift back off to sleep. The last time I woke up in the night was at 3 am and then I accidentally went the full 6 hours until 9 am. This set the tone for my day of being in pain and I still don't feel like I've caught up on it. So not fun. I've got an alarm set for the next time I need to take them so that I can stay ontop of it tonight and tomorrow. I gave Sadie her shower as she was really missing me, thus taking it out on my mother in law and acting out. She was better once I was with her and Adam was home. It can't be easy for a 4 year old to comprehend how mommy can be home but can't really play and do the things we normally do. 
Update as of Wednesday morning: I did a tad better last night. I set the alarm for every 3 hours and took one pill every 3 instead of two every 6. I still feel like I can't get ahead of the pain though. It's rough. :( 
On the upside, I'm very glad I meal prepped! I've been able to quickly grab a healthy bite to eat. I got to play with Sadie this morning so that was good. She came in my room and sweetly cuddled with me and then we went out to the kitchen and had cereal together. After that we played horses and I enjoyed a little coffee for the first time in a couple days. Sadie has had a hard time not spending a lot of time with me so it was nice to sit and play with her. Now I'm back in my room and ready for a nap. Hopefully I'll just continue to get better as the days go by. Definitely harder recovery than I imagined! 
Oh and the phone call from the dr to my mother in law was very quick so she didn't get much from it, but apparently I had a frayed bicep tendon that he repaired in addition up decompressing the cyst. So glad it was not torn! Can't imagine how much worse a test would have been!