Monday, April 29, 2013

Sadie gets tubes

Today Sadie finally got tubes in her ears, after countless ear infections. We had her adenoids removed in November with the same Dr (the same Dr did my deviated septum surgery back in 2011), so we are very familiar with him, which made it easier.

We had a 7:30 arrival time, as we were his 3rd for the morning. Of course, we stayed up late, so were all pretty exhausted. It seemed like not too long before they called us back and took her vitals, etc. The nurse was very sweet, and gave Sadie a handmade purple blanket that they give to little kids that are going through difficult things. I think she could tell that Sadie was a little apprehensive about what was going on. It's the softest blanket, and in her favorite color, so she really perked up after that! It was soon time for her to have a little versed, and it was hilarious watching it take effect! I made several videos, but this first one gives you a good idea of how loopy she started to get. Watch it-you will crack up!

Here is one more of right before they took her back. She kept saying that only daddy and Sadie had teeth!

Below is a photo of right before they wheeled her back, and she was very sleepy but also very happy.

It was maybe 5 minutes when the nurse called us to say the surgery was going great, and they were almost done. We went to the private waiting area, and the Dr came to visit with us, and then a few minutes later we were back with her. She was crying when we first saw her, but she stopped rather quickly. They got her a Popsicle and a juice, and she kept telling us that she was dizzy and saw "2 mommies." I got one of the times on video, as you will see below.

  The poor thing got very nauceous once again (just like after her adenoids) and threw up the Popsicle and juice. They couldn't give her anything to help since she did not have an IV, but said it was ok for us to give her some phengel once we got home. Thank God we have that on hand at most times!
We got her home and quickly gave her the phengel and some ibuprofen. Within about 30 minutes she was feeling great and wanting to play. She had some snacks and then around 1 was finally ready to lay down. I layed down with her and we both fell sound asleep. I woke up around 4 and she finally woke at 5. She is doing well now, just hanging out in the living room watching Octonauts. :)

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Welcome Spring!

Today was a very fun Saturday. I had the day off-no shoot or wedding; which as much as I love shooting, is always nice! We took the opportunity to finish planting the garden. It's been such a fun tradition to start, and very educational for Sadie to understand that not all food comes from the grocery store.
Our grapes once again came back with a vengence, as well as the cilantro, which I love! And wait until you see photos of the rosemary-it withstands everything! We cut back a TON and still have enough to last years and years! I am currently drying it in the oven, and I am sure will give a lot away. :)
Tonight we also opened the salami that I brought from Italy, as well as an amazing Gouda from Norway. We used the cheese slicer the my cousin-in-law gave us. :)

                                                                     The Grapes!
                                                          The rosemary that we cut
                                   Another view of the grapes and just how massive they are


                                                   Strawberries, squash, and zucchini
                     Blueberries that we planted 3 years ago, finally getting a decent amount!
 Some squash, tomato, the cilantro and rosemary post cut! Oh and onions underneath the soil
                                                             Sadie's purple flowers :)
                                Onion from last year that came back up, tomato, and eggplant
                                                                Basil and more squash
                                                                   Courtyard view
                                                      About to start drying rosemary
                                        Salami from Italy and Cheese from Norway! Yum!
                                                    Cheese slicer from cousin Nora

Thursday, April 25, 2013

2013-the year of travel!

It's always fascinating to me how in December when you think about the year ahead, you may or may not have any plans set in stone. I had no idea what fun 2013 would bring as 2012 came to a close! January was kind of low key, then in February I had an impromptu one night trip out to Arizona, spending the afternoon with my best friend from forever, and then surprising my family for dinner that evening! So fun!
I'd been messaging back and forth with my cousins in Norway for months about trying to get out there, when one of my other closest friends suggested we go to Italy over Easter. We had been trying to do a girls trip for the past 2 years so of course I jumped on the idea! She has met my cousins so it also made perfect sense for us to spend a few days in Norway. I got back about 3 weeks ago, and what an amazing trip it was! (I plan to blog this in another post all by itself!)
Now I'm back and looking at the months ahead and still have so much fun in store for the rest of the year! Right now we are busy planting our garden and doing some improvements around the house.
In June in addition to weddings here in Texas, I'll be heading to Jamaica to photograph the sweetest couple ever! I can't wait! Then in July, my cousin Viggo and his girlfriend are coming from Norway to Texas! We are so excited to have them and show them where we live. In August Adam will fish the Texas International Fishing Tournament and we will all head down for that! I'll probably fly and Sadie and Adam can drive. Come September we celebrate my birthday on the 7th, and then Sadie will turn 4 on the 29th. I already have her party set for the 28th! My parents will hopefully come this year as well. October will be another busy wedding month for me, as well as Adam's birthday. November 11th we will celebrate 7 years of marriage. We will be going to Greystone Castle for 2 nights, where Adam can hunt and I can workout and lay by the pool if the weather is nice. :)
For thanksgiving my good friend Dory will be coming from Costa Rica! Then of course, Christmas is right around the corner from that! I'm excited to say that we are staying home for Christmas this year. It will be really nice to have Christmas morning in our own home.
I truly can't believe how many fun things are in store the rest of this year, and how quickly time is flying! :)

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sadie's 3rd birthday

So I just realized that I never blogged Sadie's 3rd birthday! I can't believe it! She turned 3 on September 29th. She specifically asked for a Minnie Mouse Tea Party, so we did just that. My sweet friend Robin made the most amazing cake, yet again! I bought some beads and had a bead making craft for the girls to do, and a very nice brunch that the moms appreciated much more than the kids, unfortunately. Sadie was actually pretty cranky and we later found out that she was sick. Poor thing! 
On the menu was crepes made in the shape of Minnie Mouse head/ears, chicken salad with avocado, quiche lorraine, fruit, and croissants. To drink we had coffee, tea, and water with citrus ice cubes. I ordered cute Minnie Mouse tea cups from the Disney Store that also doubled as favors. I had some stunning flowers done by Fresh. Even though Sadie was cranky it was a good celebration. :)

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Bruschetta Chicken Salad!

As many of you know, I love cooking and trying new things in the kitchen. One of my favorite foods is bruschetta, and one day I thought, " I bet I can make a salad that takes on the flavors of bruschetta without all the carbs." It is SO good that I had to share on here!

Start with raw chicken and cook in the oven with some garlic and red wine. I cook covered at 350 until done. After it is done chill in the the fridge.

Now for the actual salad part:

I like to use a spring mix and then some spinach as the base. Cut up some roma or cherry tomatoes, a little red onion, some fresh basil leaves (if not available use dried) mozzarella cheese, the chicken cut into little pieces, then top with fresh grated pepper. For the dressing I like to use just a TOUCH of olive oil (I have basil flavored that I picked up in Italy 2 weeks ago and it is amazing!) and lots of red wine vinegar. It really does taste like you are eating bruschetta! 

Here are a couple photos, please forgive that they are cell phone pics!