So, as many of you know, I found out about a sweet family in Dallas whose baby boy, James, was battling a rare brain tumor. He loved giraffes! We asked guests to bring a stuffed giraffe in lieu of a gift to Sadie's party and received several to donate to the local Children's hospital in Dallas in memory of James. Today I finally had the chance to bring them there. What a cool thing to be able to do. I could not have done it without all our sweet family and friends that brought them for me to bring, so thank you from the bottom of my heart!
In doing that, I never thought that I'd wind up giving one of those giraffes to someone at Sadie's party. Our friends Mark and Beth had a son on September 3rd that I was blessed enough to photograph coming into the world. About a month after he was born, he started not being able to move and he was admitted to Children's in Dallas. He has a very rare genetic disease called Spinal Muscular Atrophy. He has been there with my friend Beth for well over a month now, so I got to visit with Beth and see sweet William while I was there. I picked out a giraffe for him that had lights and sounds. Whoever brought that one to the party, I send a very special thank you. I truly never thought that I'd know a recipient of these donations. It was an emotional day, but I am amazed at what a rock Beth has been. Please keep Mark, Beth, Charlotte, William, and their entire family in your prayers. Please also remember to keep James' mom and dad, Kara and Matthew in your prayers as well.

What a sweet, touching thing to do... I'm sure those kids really appreciated your thoughtfulness. I will keep your friends and their sweet boy in my prayers. Hugs to you, friend!