Sunday, August 11, 2013

Sadie's birth story

I seriously can't believe I am planning Sadie's 4th birthday all seems like yesterday. While I was pregnant with her I joined, which is a popular website for expectant moms. I found the story I posted on the October 2009 birth announcement board. I am glad I wrote it because it is cool to see my words from the week after her birth!

Here it is!

Baby's Name:Sadie Makaira
Date of Birth:September 29, 2009
Original Due Date:October 13, 2009
Weeks Pregnant:38 exactly
Height:20 1/2
Went to my normal appt on Tuesday and I knew that the doc was going to tell me I would be delivering that day since he'd almost induced me the previous Tuesday. So, husband came with me to the doc and we brought the bags and everything. Sure enough, blood pressure was sky high, he checked my cervix and I was not a bit dilated and the baby was still breech so he said we'd be doing a c-section that night. He sent us to the hospital and they put me on an iv with magnesium. It was awful!!!! At 5:30 we went in the operating room and at 5:57 she was born. In the recovery room I started shaking like crazy and they had to give me some Demerol and that helped. I had to stay on the magnesium for 48 hours which was awful. Friday I went home even though my blood pressure was still high, but they put me on some meds. Well, Saturday I checked it and it was through the roof, so wound up back in the hospital for a couple more days and finally came home again on Monday. My doctor said that this happens with the blood pressure to about one patient a year. I will be on meds most likely for about 6 weeks and then will be back to normal I am sure. The baby is so perfect in every way and we could not be happier.

It is crazy to look back. I had had a difficult pregnancy, being that I was sick for all nine months and as soon as I hit the 3rd trimester I had to be put on modified bedrest because my blood pressure got high. I never had pre-eclampsia, which is more common. I only had pregnancy induced hypertension. So, at about 31 weeks I was told I could no longer work, and I went to the doctor for vists and NST's (Non stress tests) twice a week. I also had to take my blood pressure at home. One thing I was allowed to do was go to the pool. This was great seeing as it was August (in Arizona!) when I was put off work. I couldn't swim laps or anything but I at least was allowed to go stretch in the pool. The upside was that I had a great tan! :) I don't think I realized at the time how scary it all was, which was probably good! When I went to the ER on that Saturday evening after having her, my blood pressure was 212/121. Scary! I will never ever forget that night for as long as I live. My mom had just gone back up to Payson (about a 2 hour drive from Phoenix) and I needed Adam to be with me as they were re-admitting me. We called my friend, Genea, and she came and stayed the night with Sadie. You know you have an amazing friend when you can leave your 5 day old baby with them. I mean, talk about friendship! I still have the paper where she wrote down feedings and changings while she stayed there. We were so lucky to have Sadie in such good hands! Genea is still to this day one of my closest friends. 
The days and weeks following her birth were very hard. I remember it well. I wanted so badly to exclusively breast feed and being on the magnesium for those 2 days after her birth made me so out of it that I did the unthinkable: I let them give her formula in the hospital. Not that I didn't feed her, but I was just so out of it that I just could not even stay awake. We got home and I mostly nursed, but in recovering from the c-section, being on pain meds and high doses of blood pressure meds made me often times let Adam get up with her in the night and just give her formula. We had my mom and then Adam's mom there helping us and regardless of that they are moms themselves and that they are family, I am a very private person and wanted privacy when feeding. Looking back, even though it's been almost 4 years I still have so much regret. I wish I would have tried so much harder and had the guts to say to my family, "as much as I love you and am glad you are here, I need privacy while I feed her." When anyone besides Adam would come around when I was feeding her I would stop because I didn't want anyone watching. I wound up breast feeding for 4 months until my supply finally dried up. I had been getting maybe 6 oz a day if I was lucky. Don't get me wrong, I am so glad she got what she got, but the guilt I have from not trying harder is still there. I have had so many friends that have said great encouraging things to me about feeding for the time I did, but I still can't get past the guilt. When I see these moms that had such an easy labor and had the easiest time feeding, I'm not going to lie, I am jealous. I wanted that so badly, but Sadie got used to the bottle and there really was no looking back once that happened. One of the pieces of advice I always give new mom friends is to not be afraid to ask for help and to not be afraid to tell people that you want privacy. At the end of the day, I have to remember I have a perfectly healthy and happy almost 4 year old, and that is the most important. If my story of regret helps one mom try harder or my advice helps one mom then that is good. Annnd if we ever have another, I know what to do differently the 2nd go round. Mom guilt will be part of life no matter what your circumstances. I am sure there are plenty of moms out there that had no trouble exclusively breast feeding that have guilt about something that I might not...just part of being a mom.
Now back to planning Sadie's 4th birthday party-a purple painting party. :)

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