Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Don't give headspace to negativity

My dad is a smart guy. I may not have thought that when I was 16, but I do now. :) He always says, "Don't give headspace to negativity." Such wise words that I like to live by. I think about something and then move on. Why dwell? What good does it do you?
So how can one become more positive and focus less on the negative? Think about things that make you happy. Do things that you enjoy. Write down things that you love about yourself. Don't focus on the bad, or what you DON'T have. Focus on the good and all the blessing you have.
When I was in college I was part of a phych group that got to work on a project called "The Happiness Project AKA Positive Psychology." It was really cool, and I learned a lot! You can check out the website if you are interested to see how you rate. I was curious, so I retook the test, and scored a 4.08 out of 5. I must be pretty happy! :)
The website, if you are interested is here.

Things that make me happy:
Taking pictures
Taking pictures while I travel
Drinking wine
Drinking wine with friends
Taking pictures of wine while I travel

That's all for tonight! :)

Remember that you control you own happiness!

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